Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rosh Hashanah, By Accident

Open gardens today, and we get 8 free little plants from one of the beautiful Parisian gardens we visit in the 7th.  In this case, they are truly free as there is no admission charge, but if you ever hear it from G & P, just consider the source.  This morning, after the three of us had gone to the Bastille market for groceries, they bragged to Anthony that they got a ton of free stuff, like some pomegranate chunks, fruit samples, and 2 Lebanese cookies.  What they didn't explain was that I had spent over 100euros at the stalls, and even had to go to the bank once to take out more cash.  So "free" is kind of a dubious term...

And in unrelated news:  Talk about a culture clash. I race from the Parisian gardens to Hawaiian hula class and then, on my way back in the metro tunnels, I watch a black woman in Islamic veil but stylishly modern leather jacket over her long dress walk by an Orthodox Jew blowing the Shofar.  By sheer coincidence, Anthony and I had dipped some apples in farmers' market honey this morning, and suddenly I realize it must be close to Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year, for those not in the know).  So Happy New Year to my Jewish friends and family!  And aloha and bisous to the rest of you.

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