Monday, September 19, 2011


G wearing her tutu, very Can-Can danseuse meets 20th century fashionista if you ask me.  Several children at school demand to know why she is in costume.  Sacrilege alert: For all the hype she heard about Paris being so high-fashion, she is somewhat disappointed that the children pretty much wear jeans and navy/gray/black shirts and seem far less fashionable than the children in San Francisco.  When G wore her crazy tutu in SF, she got a little attention, but here in Paris is is an act of almost unimaginable anti-conformity, and she is beseiged with too much attention -- a phenomenon I didn't even know was possible for my center-stage daughter.  She claims she will wear it again to school, but we notice that she makes a very big point of wearing jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt to school for a couple days after.  My goodness, how sad will it be if living in Paris tames her flair for fashion?!

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