Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Tragic, and Heroic, History

The 70th anniversary of the Rafle de Vel d'Hiv, arguably the single most shameful day/event in French history, has just come and gone. Even though it's a tragic affair, I stumble across the fact that one of my best friends here has an incredible family history that puts at least a glimmer of hope back into one's opinion of humanity, in general. To read all about it, check out A Year in Fromage.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Le Butter Chicken Bagel

Nothing says "authentic New York bagel" quite like an Indian restaurant called "Le Butter Chicken" serving bagels in Paris.

If you haven't read my story about the Brooklynization of Paris (alternate title: Bagels, and Donuts, and Hot Dogs, Oh My!) at A Year in Fromage, you can read it here.