Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Scratch That Itch

Stories of a sassy six-year old:

1) P bursts into the kitchen while I am making dinner. She is angry and not shy about showing it. "Mom! You are not a good back scratcher! You scratched my back right here a couple weeks ago," she accuses, pointing at the spot in question.  "And it's itchy again!"

2) Picture drawn for Anthony, includes the dubious phrase "I have a croch on you!"
3) Excellent letter currently winging its way toward my parents, to thank them for a generous gift in India (editor's translation follows).

[Editor's Translation:
Dear Nana & Pop-pop
Thank you so much for using up your money for our saris. When you grow up, you might have no money because of the saris. I miss you so much already. You are so lovable to me! Love, P]

None of these have anything to do with Paris specifically, of course, but I thought I'd share anyway.

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