Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Shock Before the Culture

We are in Senegal for the last half of Christmas vacation, spending the New Year there. We figure that while we're over in Europe, it's relatively close, so it would be as cheap as it's every going to be. Ha!

In this case, what comes before culture shock is sticker shock. The plane tickets are expensive, despite using mileage for most of them. But that's now what's so shocking. It's the visas (52.50€ each), then the mandatory yellow fever vaccinations (66€) each, and the anti-malaria pills (60€ each).

For our family of four, that comes to:
visas: $288 total
vaccinations: $365 total
anti-malaria pills: $329 total

That's $982 before we even leave France. Yikes! Had we actually realized that before we bought our plane tickets and made our plans, we might have reconsidered. Oh well...as they say, once in a lifetime and all that. But I can think of more enjoyable ways to spend our vacation money than shots, pills, and bureaucracy.

Happy New Year (and may your unpleasant incidentals come to far less than this...)!

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