Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chez Restaurant Simon Montpelier

This is a good indication our children have crossed the French side. After so much traveling and eating out, they develop an obsession with restaurants and decide to create one in our house: Restaurant Simon Montpelier (named after a ghost in one of their favorite books, Which Witch?).

They create an elaborate menu that proves a high level of Frenchification and some serious innate foodieness. The girls actually make about 90% of the meal by themselves. And the service -- en français -- is like the friendliest, most adorable, but French-est waiters ever, complete with perfect accents, Gallic shoulder shrugs, and pouty lips. There's even a bread basket. Though I must admit that the kids are total crap when it comes to opening a wine bottle.
What's on the menu? It's long, and both abridged and translated here from the original French:

Menu Notre Dame:       Children's Menu:                             Menu Charlemagne:
Vegetable plate              Grilled salmon with thyme, walnuts   Foie gras with vinegar sauce
Chicken&gravy, potato  Onion soup                                         Duck confit, grated carrots, potato
Cheese plate                  2 scoops of ice cream                        Apple tart, berries, chocolate sauce

However, if you ever manage to get a coveted reservation here, we recommend the Menu Gastronome, as it is the only one offered with real -- instead of plastic/paper -- food:

The Menu Gastronome starts with the playfully named and executed entrée, conceived entirely by Gigi: a vegetable "tagliatelli" of cucumber and carrot, offered in rosettes with a honey dressing:

For the plat, served family style: lemony flounder filets breaded in a crunchy matzah-meal crust (finally! something to do with all that leftover matzah):

And for le dessert: chocolate fondue with fresh seasonal, organic fruit:

After a wonderful date night, Anthony and I rate the Restaurant Simon Montpelier 4.5 stars. On the plus side, the ambiance is lovely, with pleasant music played not too loudly and a great view. The meal is delicious -- truly. And the price can't be beat, as there is no bill. However, we do have to withhold half a star since in lieu of payment, the guests have to do the dishes.



Uncle Stevil said...

That is a pretty amazing meal! I also like the sound of the Menu Charlemagne. Very proud of my neices!

Joyce from Bishops Forest said...

Your blogs are outstanding. Not only do they show wonderful moments in France but they are often quite funny. I love the restaurant's atmosphere, staff and menu. Very unique. Thank you.