Monday, February 6, 2012

Let It Snow!

A rare, though not unheard of, snowy day in Paris. We happen to have a friend visiting us from the States, it is Sunday morning, and we have no other plans. So what else could we possibly do but go see the Eiffel Tower in full winter glory?  And from many angles...

We make sure our walk takes us by Poilâne, one of the most famous bread bakeries in Paris (therefore, in France, and therefore, in the world). Even Poilâne has an Eiffel Tower. But theirs is dusted in flour, not snow. And yes, the bread is really that delicious. This is not white baguette territory: We're talking dark and nutty.

And of course, if snow is falling on the Eiffel Tower, the rest of Paris is turning white, too. The top two photos below are near the Eiffel Tower:

The Senat at the Jardins des Luxembourg with frozen fountain:

Below, the Louvre pyramid with its frozen pool. And the family behind Notre Dame (flying buttress alert!). As the thermometer dips below zero -- that is, -10° in Celsius, so about 14°F -- it feels really cold to us. We are all wearing ski mittens and long underwear, along with about five layers on top. And we still need to get out of the cold and pop in for a hot chocolate. Even though I grew up in very cold places (Rochester, NY and Minneapolis, MN) fourteen years in California and two years in the tropics before that (Hawaii and the Philippines) have made my blood all sluggish and lazy. Much like Paris traffic at rush hour, it simply does not want to circulate.

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