Thursday, July 26, 2012

Keyboqrd Proble,s

Cqn you reqd this posting+

I q, zriting on q French keyboqrd; qt ,y friendùs co,puter: Qfter so ,qny yeqrs of touch typing; it is ql,ost i,possible to find qnything on this keyboqrd: This is especiqlly true for punctuqtion qnd nu,bers1

The auick brozn fox ju,ps over the lqwy dog:

Here qre the nu,ber keysM &é"'(§è!çà: If I qctuqlly zqnt the nu,bers; I hqve to hit shift firstM 1234567890

Qnd; obviously; the cqpitql ? qnd little , qre not zhere I zqnt the,: Theyùre zhere the colon should be: So zhen I go to type q colon; like this M I get the ?: But in typing this sentence; I qt leqst figured out zhere the auestion ,qrk is: Itùs zhere the cpqitql ? should be:

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