When one wanders into the Bon March
é, one of the chicest department stores in all of Paris, in the 6th arrondissement, one of the swankest sections of the city, and one finds oneself in the hat section, one is trying on what are arguably some of the the priciest hats around. And when trying on hats, it is always good to go with a friend, in this case Jen who is visiting us from the States (and has officially given the thumbs-up to our guest room). Even better if the friend looks good in hats, because I must say, I don't.
Or, perhaps it's the hats I've chosen, like this winner of a headband-hat adorned with feathers. I know that I look like a cross between a Stay-puft marshmallow man and a Playboy Bunny. I am the Play-puft Marshmunny. According to the price tag dangling down the side of my head, I go for a mere 300
Jen finds some that are perfectly acceptable, even a bit cute:
And a few that are not. And yes, you'll notice the black flower headband falls in both categories. I find it patently (pardon the pun) ridiculous yet oddly wearable. Of course, if you've seen what my girls wear regularly in their hair -- headbands with very large, brightly colored flowers, that they've made themselves -- you will understand that my perspective has been warped.
Jen's friend Medley, also visiting Paris at the moment, looks like a natural in the fur hat section. She could easily pass for a French woman: elegant, classy, so neatly put together. Me, not so much:
Help! I'm being eaten by a fuzzy Pacman!
Jen finds a truly unique knit headband with fur earmuffs attached. Here we see one earmuff. But wait one minute, she's laughing too hard to pose for the photo.
Another try. But still, laughing too hard to stand still.
And finally, able to hold back the tears and pose in her Princess Leia winter headgear as long as she makes "crazy eyes" and doesn't look at me directly.
For walking around the streets and looking less like an American in a ski hat, Jen does buy a warm beret. But not at the Bon Marché and, therefore, not at Bon Marché prices.
The word for hat in French is "
chapeau." By coincidence, there's an old French expression meaning "Wow!" which is "
Chapeau!" So, if you have been wondering why I would title this posting "$2,000 Ridiculous Hat," just take a look at this
Chapeau! chapeau -- actually a headband-hat with stuff attached -- for 1495
€, or US$1,982.
And below, a headband-hat with stuff attached made for me by G, at age four. Perhaps I should dredge it out of storage and wear it, to the envy of all, on the streets of Paris? ("Ooh la la, she must be rich to be so chic. Just look at that Chapeau! chapeau.")
Jen and I enjoy ourselves tremendously in the hat section with much decoration but, obviously, not much decorum. So, it may be a while till I am allowed back into the Bon March
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